Personalised Metal Sewing Room Sign With Flower, Custom Quilting Sign For Sewing Room Decor,Gifts for Grandma,Sewing Machine Sign,Craft Room


Celebrate the season with our Personalized Christmas Tree Metal Art, a beautifully crafted piece that adds warmth and charm to any space. Made from premium metal, this customizable decoration is perfect for displaying names or a special message. Ideal for mantels, doors, or as a centerpiece, it’s a unique holiday keepsake that will be treasured for years.

SKU: SEWING-8-Red Category:


Production Time: All orders are processed within 3 – 5 business days.
Processing Time: It takes 1 – 2 days to ship your order to our warehouse, put your name and address on it and ship out.
Shipping Time: Shipments within the USA take 7-15 days. Typically it takes up to 10-20 business days to arrive at an international address. This time is from the date that it is shipped out, not the day the order is placed.
Return & Exchange: If for some reason you are not happy with your purchase, we will happily work with you to correct the problems.
Tracking Number: When available, we will send you the tracking number with the confirmation email so that you can track the package online.
If you have any other queries, please feel free to email us